1907 original drawing: First Floor Plan of the Boynton House, Rochester, Ny. Image provided by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.
Prelude to Upstate New York’s Modernism I Rochester: Fragments of a Modern City
Modern Architecture as Seen by Brazil’s Press in the 20th Century
Student under my supervision: Maria Cecília Souza Vaz de Oliveira [2011] .
Schorlarship: Research Scholarship provided by the Scientific Research Program (Programa Institucional De Bolsas de Iniciação Científica -PIBIC, Unicap, Brazil).
HOW Large-scale mixed-use development COULD restructure Recife’s DOWNTOWN, BRAZIL.
Student under my supervision: Aryanna Barbosa de Araujo Gonzaga and Anderson Bezerra Havro [2006]
Schorlarship: Research Scholarship provided by the Scientific Research Program (Programa Institucional De Bolsas de Iniciação Científica -PIBIC, Unicap, Brazil).
Modern City, Modern Urbanism
Student under my supervision: Mariana de Almeida Dornelas Câmara [2009]
Schorlarship: Research Scholarship provided by the Scientific Research Program (Programa Institucional De Bolsas de Iniciação Científica -PIBIC, Unicap, Brazil).
Restructuring Urban Space Through Large Urban Facilities in Downtown Recife, Brazil
Student under my supervision: Aline Maria da Silva Lopes [2007]
Schorlarship: Research Scholarship provided by the Scientific Research Program (Programa Institucional De Bolsas de Iniciação Científica -PIBIC, Unicap, Brazil).
Reflections on Baltar’s Modern Architectural Work in Recife, Brazil
Student under my supervision: Morgana Costa da Silva [2009]
Schorlarship: Research Scholarship provided by the Scientific Research Program (Programa Institucional De Bolsas de Iniciação Científica -PIBIC, Unicap, Brazil).
Student under my supervision: Aline Maria da Silva Lopes [2008]
Schorlarship: Research Scholarship provided by the Scientific Research Program (Programa Institucional De Bolsas de Iniciação Científica -PIBIC, Unicap, Brazil).