Selected Work

Bookstore by Kexin Zhang (Sophie)

Bookstore by Kexin Zhang (Sophie)

Bookstore by Kexin Zhang (Sophie)

Bulk Goods Store by Natalia Zuchniak

Bulk Goods Store by Natalia Zuchniak

Bulk Goods Store by Natalia Zuchniak

Stôk by Julie Zhang

Stôk by Julie Zhang

Stôk by Julie Zhang

Stôk by Julie Zhang

Jins by Michelle Ng

Jins by Michelle Ng

Camper by Emily Vassev (paper model)

True Botanicals by Nadia Kudritska

Legacy by Sydney Smeets, Jessica Tam, Yihanna Sun, Eden Lucuik, Celeste Leva and Emily Yeung

H2 by Elinoor Sharaf, Micah Pedro, Nehaa Rahman, Mannat Multani, Michelle Lan, and Cindy Hong
The Creative School at Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson School of Interior Design), Design Studio III (IRN 301), Project: Retail